Though small business owners often deal with all aspects of their business by themselves, it is wise to concentrate on one area of need at a time. Laurel Ridge SBDC has resources available in the following areas to assist you:
Alcoholic Beverage License
The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board exercises control over the importation manufacture, possession and sale of alcoholic beverages. For more information, please contact the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Special Agent: Stephen Jones, 460 Commerce Square, Staunton, VA 24401, 540-332-7800 phone, 540-332-7814 Fax
Closing Your Business:
All corporations conducting business in Virginia must register with the State Corporation Commission P. O. Box 1197 Richmond, VA 23209 (804) 371-9672. Forms and information available:
Virginia Registered Agent (804) 371-9733
Department of Health
Before the Commissioner of the Revenue can issue a food establishment license, the Health Department must be contacted to obtain a health permit. For information, please contact:
Warren County Health Department
134 Peyton Street
Front Royal, Virginia 22630
Telephone: (540) 635-3159
Fictitious Name
If a business is operated under a fictitious, trade or assumed name, a fictitious, trade or assumed name form must be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court before a license can be issued according to the Code of Virginia, § 59.1-69. This must be renewed every five years. Click here for more information.
If you own a small business, you can utilize Google to attract customers and get ahead of competitors. From calendars and email to Google+ and maps, Google can help businesses organize themselves efficiently and establish an online presence.
Google Tools for Small Business
Opening a Business in Virginia – click here
Sales/Use Tax, Corporation Income Tax, and Employees Income Tax Withholding
Virginia Department of Taxation at