The LFSBDC offers the following services:
- Strategic planning
- Business plans
- Financial analysis
- Licenses and taxes
- Marketing
- Site location analysis
- Sources of financing
- Business library
- Review of good practices
- Financial planning and budgeting
- Business loan assistance
- Personnel assistance
- Production planning and control
The Center’s core programs include small business seminars, business counseling,
operations audits, mystery shopper program, mentoring, and focus groups.
We work with people seeking bank loans, SBA guarantee loans, and state loans
through Virginia Asset Financing Corporation. Besides the loan application process,
we work with all types of business registration questions, tax forms, SBA assistance
and writing business plans.
Assistance is also offered in the following areas:
- Business start-up
- Financial management
- Marketing
- QuickBooks assistance
- Operation analysis and review for existing businesses
- Business considerations and requirements for going into business