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Re-tooling Virginia Manufacturers for Strategic Industries Program
November 10, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
This webinar is for manufacturers in Go Virginia Region 9 for a grant that supports GENEDGE and its partnering agencies as they initiate a two-year program, known as the Re-tooling Virginia Manufacturers for Strategic Industries Program.
The focus for the first year will address the needs for medical supplies and PPE with the expectation that additional critical supply chain opportunities will be identified at the industrial sector, state, or federal level. The processes and tools
developed in the first year can easily be redirected to additional critical strategic supply chains as they are identified. Given the expected focus on
additional reshoring efforts for strategic supply chains, we can follow the guidance to prioritize activities in the second year of the program.
The project will involve two phases: Phase 1 will focus entirely on PPE and Phase 2 will engage with other emergent critical industry supply chain
retooling and continue PPE capacity additions. The goal will be to serve 50 companies/25 per year, while creating or retaining 500 jobs with new or
retained revenue of over $100M over a five-year period.
The program also includes a research component to analyze the risks of supply chain disruption in various industries, and related factors such as
market size, product demand, and the international competitive landscape. For manufacturers interested in producing PPE for critical industries, this
partnership includes custom services to help address regulatory requirements, develop prototypes, implement new processes, and apply advanced
digital manufacturing technologies.
This multi-pronged approach will draw on the expertise of more than a dozen agencies and organizations involved in manufacturing, economic
development, technology, and health care. Some of those agencies are: GO Virginia, the Virginia Manufacturers Association (VMA), the Virginia
Economic Development Partnership (VEDP), the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association (VHHA), and the Virginia Department of Emergency
Management (VDEM).
Interested in applying for the Re-tooling Virginia Manufacturers for Strategic Industries, Phase 1 Program?
Visit the following link to access the online application:
Interested in more information?
Cheryl Carrico, GENEDGE Program Manager, Re-tooling Virginia Manufacturers for Strategic Industries Program
(276) 525-0088 [email protected]
Program page: https://genedge.org/program/go-virginia-re-tooling-virginia-manufacturers-for-strategic-industries-program/
Re-tooling Virginia Manufacturers for Strategic Industries Program
Phase 1 PPE applications now open www.genedge.org
This project is being supported by GO Virginia Region One and was funded in part by GO Virginia, a state-funded initiative administered by the
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) that strengthens and diversifies Virginia’s economy and fosters the
creation of higher wage jobs in strategic industries